Writerly resolutions: September status

Research continues apace. I discoveredThe latest stacks of research books. A few books gone, a few added, but the stacks are shorter now. a PhD thesis courtesy of the exhaustive index at the USHMM website that is almost exactly what I would have wanted to read at the start of this process. I am definitely going to do a research trip to DC in November to visit the research center of the USHMM. Meanwhile, I’m writing this at the Regenstein library of the University of Chicago where I’m watching survivor testimonies in hopes of finding some good background material.

I’m close to a complete second draft on the new story, although the rewrite work on the revision story is being a bit tough. I had a turn at workshop this month and pulled a piece out of the novel that I thought might work on its own and it got a better reception than I expected. I pulled that to the top of the stack for the rewrite since there was a themed submission call opening today which it would be a good match for.

And I would be remiss to ignore the fact that I had poems published in September in Invisible City and I-70 Review this month with readings for both (the latter in-person in Kansas City).







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