Writerly Resolutions: September Status

September was a harsh month. NewImageI had hoped to have chapter 16 of the novel finished this month, but, as the curve at the right shows, I had a lot of not so productive days. 

I did have the wonderfully good fortune of having Goodreads suggest Masuji Ibuse’s Black Rain to me which covers similar material as chapter 16 should, so I have a source of additional background information. But I also am realizing that the writing needs to be especially poetic, almost as if I’m not writing a chapter of the novel, but I’m writing a 5,000-word poem and I’m not sure I’m up to the challenge. Hello, imposter syndrome.

At the same time, I did make some good progress revising an old story, and I’m feeling a bit more sanguine about it and I got a tiered rejection from a pretty high-end journal for the chapter of the trunked novel I have out on submission so all is not doom and gloom, plus I placed another one of the Chicago Sonnets for publication.







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