Writerly resolutions: October status

This was a month of getting stuff done thanks to a pair of little writing retreats. I did one long weekend at the Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House for a formal writers’ retreat, although I ended up skipping the structured parts because most of it didn’t really feel relevant to me.

Then a couple weeks later, I took nearly a week off to camp out at a La Quinta Inn, lock myself in a room and write. By the end of the time,My workspace at the La Quinta Inn. My laptop is on the provided desk, a few pages of printed manuscript are to the left of the laptop along with a book, a morass of charging cables and a HomePod mini. To the right of the laptop is my iPad and above the laptop is a generic corporate art painting on the wall. I was exhausted, although I think I may have gotten sick with something along the way. Still, it seems like perhaps 3–4 days might be my maximum productive time for a residency like this.

One consequence of this flurry of activity is that I got two previously workshopped stories into submissions and a third is in progress. I finished doing some revisions on the novel and restarted querying, although still getting nothing but form rejections. As much as I love this book, I think it might end up getting trunked. At least I’ve managed to get a few excerpts published as stories.

The big thing though, is that on the first retreat,Graph showing the progress in the word count on the novel. There was an initial false start of about 300 words, then I started over, had a big flurry of progress on the remainder of the retreat, a long flat period but then picked up with the second retreat period culminating in a complete draft of the first chapter which I’m currently reading and prepping for the rewrite. I ended up starting a new novel. Maybe on the third try I’ll know how to do this thing.

Had a fiction acceptance come in this month and I should have publication news to share over the next couple months.







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