Writerly resolutions: October status

And still more research work. Next week I will spend a couple days The (slightly) shrinking piles of to read books for the novelat the USHMM research center for more primary source research. I’ve been adding occasional new reading to the stacks of books which will be evident to those closely inspecting the pictures accompanying these posts. I had hoped to be done with research reading by year’s end, but I suspect it’s going to spill over into January. I still keep stumbling across useful reading, most notably Half-American by Matthew F. Delmont which is the book on non-combat African-American soldiers in World War II I’ve wanted for at least a year or two and that was just published a couple weeks ago.

Not much progress on the story work, although I’ve ended up writing some new poetry. A couple form rejections this month along with a near-miss rejection.






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