Writerly resolutions: November status

It seems hardly worth it, Graph of the word count of the novel showing it decreasing in fits and starts from around 86,500 words to abour 82,500 words.being almost a half-month late in providing this status, but here it is.

The third draft of the novel is finally finished. At this point I even have some reader comments back on the whole thing. The Matt Bell “weasel-word” check managed to yield nearly 4000 words of cuts. Not all of these were simply a matter of cutting out excessive use of “that”, et al., but rather the sort of close-look at semi-random locations in the novel that revealed flabby prose.

Along the way another novel-excerpt went into submissions and I’ve done some revision work on a workshopped story.

Lots of rejections in the last month and a half, although a few encouraging ones and I’ve also managed to screw up my submissions spreadsheet so there’s some serious fixing work that needs to take place now.







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