Writerly resolutions: November status

Continuing the research this month. My trThe book stacks are getting shorter, even with some new arrivalsip to the USHMM was productive and the stacks of books are dwindling, although research has generated some new books to read so the stacks have gotten a little shorter. I had hoped to get them down to nothing by the end of the year, but it looks like research will spill over into January. Meanwhile, I’m still finding useful details in the research which has yielded about a dozen pages of notes so far.

Got a new story workshopped earlier this month, it still needs some work, but there’s a little hope for it to get into submissions sometime in the new year.

Only two rejections this month, form rejections for poems (including one very old submission which I was wondering if I should give up on), which is not surprising given my low submission activity this year.







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