Writerly resolutions: March status

The novel is finished and graph of the word count of the novel during the last round of revisions, showing mostly decreases in word count but occasional bumps up. I completed draft 3 on 18 March 2024I’ve started the querying process with the first round of ten queries, including my first rejection from a query. I guess my depression is catching up with me a bit here.

While going through old queries, I found myself wondering whether what I thought were personalized queries saying close but not quite might have just been really nice form letters. I guess my depression is catching up with me a bit here.

A steady trickle of rejections coming in as my submittable queue flirts with a single-digit length. I had hoped that the fact that 21 out of 23 (more at the start of the month) of my pending submissions taking longer than average was a good sign, but most of what’s been coming in has been form rejections. I guess my depression is catching up with me a bit here.

Meanwhile, I’ve started a new story, continue revision work, but no significant progress at the moment. I guess my depression is catching up with me a bit here,







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