Writerly resolutions: July status

Draft two is DONE! I managed to trim A global look at six years’ work on the novel. The draft two progress looks much smoother since I had a decent idea of what was happening most of the time.about 5,000 words in the process, despite adding a new chapter in the middle, so that’s a good sign. I will need to print this puppy up to be able to read and edit for the revision stage and I’m planning on doing some significant research reading before diving in to make sure I’ve got historical and cultural details right. I just placed a library hold request on seventeen books, have seven more that the library has in ebook format that I’ll read along the way, plus ordered a bunch more that neither the Oak Park nor Chicago libraries have to fill out the rest of my research needs. A trio of books sitting on my to-read pile are also migrating to my being-read pile. Then there are the survivor testimonies I’ve found on the Yad Vashem website that I need to translate and find the useful details. I’m not sure that I’ll be getting into actual editing until maybe November or so, depending on how long these books and other materials take to read.

The new story made it to an unsatisfactory conclusion and re-reading what I’ve cobbled together over the last nine months has turned up a better sense of the middle that might get me to a valid ending.

Progress on story revision still slow.







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