Writerly resolutions: January status

How did January go? I’ve finished the research readingWhere once there had been precarious stacks of books, now there is empty floor. and the space on the floor where the research books had been stacked is now clear. I haven’t started on step two, the character bios, but I should begin that today. I’ve made a list of ten character bios to write, so that’s a start on that step.

I got applications in for the NEA and Sozopol, the latter had me doing a major revision on chapter 20 of the novel to use it as my writing sample which included a round of workshopping and revision. I feel good enough about it that I also sent it out as a story submission.

No notable progress on new work or revisions, but the prep for the Sozopol application was a big chunk of my writing time. We’ll see how February goes, but my objective is to finish the character bios this month and at least get one story out of post-workshop purgatory.







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