Writerly resolutions: January status

2021 has gotten off to Graph of progress on the novel for January 2021. a decent enough start. I’ve worked on the novel daily without fail—the first part of the month was spent digesting comments on two excerpts that I workshopped with my writing group, then I returned to the chapter I’d left dangling in November, managed to finish a first draft, a rewrite and a revision before starting on chapter 25. I also have a clear view of where the last three chapters after this one will go so I should be able to finish the first draft of the novel in the next month or so.

Short story work has progressed a bit more slowly than I would like. I’m making good progress on the story I’d hoped to workshop in February, but I don’t think I’ll have it ready to submit for the February meeting so I’ll have to pull out one of the stories that I’ve finished but need some revision work for the current meeting and submit that instead. It would have been my May workshop piece so it’s just a matter of reshuffling.

I’ve returned to submitting and gotten two rejections on novel excerpts already (one form, one tiered) alongside a long-delayed tiered rejection on some poems I submitted in 2019.







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