Writerly resolutions: February status

At the end of last month, I ordered a spiral bound copy of the printed manuscript and once it arrived, I set out to read and annotate everything for editing. I managed to finish that read today and start editing draft4.docx on my Mac. Based on my own read, comments from other readers and some responses to excerpts I’d put out in submissions at the end of last year, I think the book might be pretty OK.

The workspace cleaning and organizing that I’ve been working on continues apace. Things don’t seem better, but there are fewer boxes piled up behind me and I’ve been dumping stuff I’m never going to use in a donations box to send to Goodwill. I apparently have three cordless mice and I’m a trackpad guy.

While cleaning my office, I came across some commentary on the opening chapter of a trunked novel that was pretty positive and given that this is the only story I got a tiered rejection from One Story without subsequently placing it somewhere, I figured it was worth doing some editing and I slipped this into workshop. I have some ideas about what I can do to improve it perhaps enough to finally get that published.

Cover of Exacting Clam 12, showing an illustration of a suburban street scene, but with what appears to be a pair of robots carrying briefcases with dollar signs printed on the sidesI do have a couple poems coming out in the upcoming issue of Exacting Clam which continues my apparent move from fiction to poetry. Feel free to buy a copy at your choice of Amazon or Bookshop.

Other rejections continue apace and I’ve not been sending out too much new stuff still.







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