
  • Beautiful sentences

    There was inside of her a very modest physical collapse, not a faint but a sort of folding, as if she were an extension ruler and her ankles and knees and hips were all being brought together at closer angles. Ann Patchett, State of Wonder.

  • Beauiful sentences

    I found the notion of a religion designed to humble the proud thrilling. I also loved the Quran’s habit of the question—“Do you not understand?” (2:44); “Have you not seen?” (31:20)—despite the fact, because of the fact, that these questions were rarely answered. Stephen Prothero, God is not One: The Eight Rival Religions that Run the World.

  • Beautiful sentences

    Never losing the drive to get them ready for the cold hard world that they will someday attempt to join and that will, in the end reject them. Kris D’Agostino, The Sleepy Hollow Family Almanac.

  • Beautiful sentences

    He had read somewhere once that different kinds of smiles came from different parts of the brain, that a genuine smile, a smile of real pleasure, came from one site, and a polite smile, a smile only intended to signal pleasure, came from another. This smile came from there, that other part. Susan Miller, The Lake Shore Limited.

  • Beautiful sentences

    Barnes & Noble is a burning testament to man’s desire to do his shopping in large, pulsing chain stores. Kris D’Agostino, The Sleepy Hollow Family Almanac.

  • Beautiful Sentences

    Gabriel looks back at him from the mirror, the man he’s made, and made his own, the man whose grief drinks from his own grief, whose joy eats his joy, but whom he uses, over and over, to escape his grief and joy, to make them commodity, currency. For better or for worse—he doesn’t know—to make…

  • Beautiful sentences

    Books and film. Music. These are the things we obsess over so we don’t have to deal with real life. Kris D’Agostino, The Sleepy Hollow Family Almanac.

  • Beautiful sentences

    These were just folks, making a living, talented, brave, hungry, mischievous, petty, kind, gentle, good, mean, evil, silly, serious, tired, hopeful, scared, longing, confused, arrogant, jealous, wise: the human condition in all its frail and glorious fuckery. Connie May Fowler, How Clarissa Burden Learned to Fly.

  • Beautiful sentences

    There are times when we pursue temptations which we know full well to be unworthy, for the sole and passionate purpose of being pulled out of realms in which we have dwelled far too long.  Lawrence Sutin, When to go into the Water.