Tag: terese svoboda

  • My favorite reads of 2022 (now with charts and graphs!)

    My favorite reads of 2022 (now with charts and graphs!)

    2022 was an atypical year for reading for me largely because it turned out that 67% of the 103¹ books I’ve read this year were research for the novel, which, among other things, meant that my numbers got skewed in interesting ways, like the fact that only 29.5% of the books were fiction (compared to…

  • “Bartholomew L. Bartholomew”: The Story Behind the Story

    “I once held the position of Technical Lead…” this part of the story is autobiography. The rest, modulo the occasional detail that I borrowed from my years’ experience in tech, is fiction. The obvious inspiration is Melville (the short title I used for filenames and the like for the story was “Bart LB” and I…

  • Beautiful sentences: Terese Svoboda

    At least we have our own cell to settle in. At least the baby doesn’t die of the shot the way he could have, with all the cell fleas and a flesh wound and no mother. He is used to Sharon more anyway is what I suppose, what with the mother no doubt seeping milk…

  • “Thy Neighbour’s Goods”: The story behind the story

    Some background on my story, “Thy Neighbour’s Goods” which appears in the Spring 2014 issue of The Southampton Review. The story began with a conversation with my wife about language. We were discussing the lack of distinction between singular and plural second person in English and I told her that actually the English “you” is…

  • Beautiful sentences

    She looks down at the playbill. She looks down. Terese Svoboda, Bohemian Girl.

  • Residency day 5

    The mid-point of the residency and the traditional morning-time reading and writing period. I got a bunch of work done including some work on the novel. After lunch we had first synthesis (it was interesting to see someone else’s take on the time). Interestingly, it seemed that most of the synthesis groups finished up early.…

  • Residency day 3

    Today started with a conversation with agent Chris Parris-Lamb.  It was a fairly well conceived presentation, although most of this was things that I already knew. A few choice quotes: Most important thing is to make the book as good as possible. Wait and take your time. Your query letter needs to be as well-written…

  • Residency day 2

    Don Morill’s seminar was “Sentences & Paragraphs as Aesthetic Performance.” There were some interesting thoughts on linguistic structure and how it can be enhanced, although perhaps the most interesting part of the seminar came early when he produced Su Hui’s “Star Gauge” Courtesy of some aspects of Chinese linguistic structure the above can be read…

  • Residency day 7

    And now it’s really flown by. Only two more days on campus. The opening seminar of the day came from Jessica Anthony who talked about articulation in fiction. She had us look at a collection of twenty first lines and pick first our top five, then our favorite from those. The obvious choice to me…