Tag: shusakū endō

  • My favorite reads of 2022 (now with charts and graphs!)

    My favorite reads of 2022 (now with charts and graphs!)

    2022 was an atypical year for reading for me largely because it turned out that 67% of the 103¹ books I’ve read this year were research for the novel, which, among other things, meant that my numbers got skewed in interesting ways, like the fact that only 29.5% of the books were fiction (compared to…

  • A year of reading

    So in 2013, I ended up reading a total of 114 books. Some interesting statistics along the way:  27.2% were written by women. Asians and Latinos each made up 2.6%. Blacks were 1.8%. I find these numbers to be rather disgraceful. 40.4% were for my MFA.  Two were in Spanish. Eleven were translated (from French,…