Tag: mario vargas llosa

  • Dewey Decimal Project: 863 VAR A Writer’s Reality

    Dewey Decimal Project: 863 VAR A Writer’s Reality

    After Eco, I decided that I would definitely give a similar book by Mario Vargas Llosa a shot. Vargas Llosa is probably the most important influence in the novel I’m working on right now and it’s always interesting to see what a writer has to say about their craft. This book is based on a series…

  • Beautiful Sentences: Mario Vargas Llosa

    El pelo que le faltaba en la cabeza le sobresalía de las orejas, cuyas matas de vellos negrísimos irrumpían, agresivas, como grotesca compensación a la calvicie del Constitutucionalista Beodo. Mario Vargas Llosa, La Fiesta del Chivo.

  • 2016 in reading

    My diversity report for the year: Women authors 48% (down from 51.4% last year). Non-white authors were 16.4% of my reading (up from 14.8% last year). I chose my book to hit diversity targets 25% of the time, down from 37.5% last year. I think part of that is that I’ve been more reluctant to…