Tag: lawrence sutin
Beautiful sentences
There are times when we pursue temptations which we know full well to be unworthy, for the sole and passionate purpose of being pulled out of realms in which we have dwelled far too long. Lawrence Sutin, When to go into the Water.
Beautiful Sentences
Flotsam consists in all natural matter that floats upon the ocean. Jetsam consists in all manmade matter that floats upon the ocean. What then is a human corpse? And were I to slip myself over the side of the ship, would I possess the courage to let myself drown as flotsam drowns—nature blissfully sinking into…
Beautiful sentences
In the woods, bewildered, in a peck of troubles, at a loss. To ascend a pulpit, to cant, to remove one’s vestments with one’s teeth, to chase foxes at clicked in a hedge, to stand stooped in a pillory, cunny-thumbed, one who has eaten shame and drank a dram after it. Lawrence Sutin, When to go…
Beautiful sentences
I want to do everything I haven’t yet dared to do, and to escape everything I’ve already done. I want to die in a cataclysm of my own making, not in a world war fashioned by great nations. And I want to leave a written record of my passage across this earth, so that others…
Beautiful sentences
Hector liked the saints best in the early paragraphs of their lives when they were still being tempted. Lawrence Sutin, When to go into the Water.