Tag: howard zinn

  • My favorite reads of 2021

    I’m going to do something a bit different this year. Much less on the numbers other than the top line of 85¹ books read this year with 50.1% by women and 38.6% by non-white authors. I’ve been a bit better about finding time to read without my commute by “L” to give me the time…

  • Dewey Decimal Project: 973 ZIN A people’s history of the United States

    Dewey Decimal Project: 973 ZIN A people’s history of the United States

    For the last two decades, I’ve heard many people waxing rhapsodic about Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, so when I got to the 970s—History of North America—I decided that this was my chance to finally read it. What I found was not the life-changing book that many people consider it to be.…