Our day began with Jason Ockert teaching about writing the Short Short Story. Notably, I thought I got something actually usable out of a writing prompt. Then morning workshop.
In the afternoon, we had synthesis. A diagram that we drew to draw connections between seminars and common reading was well-received by the synthesis group. I had one participant say that from what he had heard, we had the best of the synthesis groups which was a bit flattering.
Later in the afternoon, I met with my mentor (Tibor Fischer) and mapped out my semester plan.
The evening readings were Amy Hill Hearth, who seemed to talk about her story more than she read from it and Tibor who really annoyed me because I realized that I’m going to have to read all his stuff.
There was a bit of depressing news as well at the reading: This will be Tibor’s last term with the program. I had hoped to work with him for my thesis term, and this dramatically changes how I’ll approach mentor selection next term.
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