Just another writer
What Sandra Fluke actually said
I had been curious about this, and I managed to find this transcript of her testimony.
Beautiful Sentences
“While a murder went unsolved, everything was potentially significant, packed with secrets. The observers, like paranoiacs, saw messages everywhere. Objects could regain their innocence only when the killer was caught.” Kate Summerscale, The Suspicions of Mr Whicher.
Mr Rogers, a model for being human
This article, admittedly a bit old, seems to me a recipe for being human, albeit one which I very often fail to live up to. I so often want to impose my views, to argue that I’m right, instead of just being gentle and kind and leaving things at that.
What I learned while applying for an MFA
For two of the MFA programs to which I’ve applied, there was a requirement to submit a 3–4 page “craft essay.” I’d never really written such a thing before. As an undergraduate English major, writing tended to be one of two things: Either metacritical for my theory classes or explications d’texte for most of my…
Managing omniscient viewpoint
The following is the craft essay I wrote for my MFA applications. Writing with an omniscient point of view provides a special challenge to the author. In a first-person or close third-person narration, the reader will view the action exclusively through a single character’s eyes, with the possibility of changing the point of view character…