Just another writer
Beautiful Sentences: Yiyun Li
You think you will remember every moment, every detail, but the truth is I can’t remember much about it. Can’t even remember how long we were at it. Yiyun Li, “Kindness.”
Dewey Decimal Project: 408.9 HAR The Last Speakers: The Quest to Save the World’s Most Endangered Languages
When I looked at the 400s, it seemed a big chunk of the books were missing. Pretty much everything from 430 on. They had been there earlier when I had originally scoped out the library and considered the project before me, but now they were missing. A quick walk around the third floor solved the mystery:…
Dewey Decimal Project: 391.6 YAL A History of the Breast
The 390s comprise “Customs, etiquette and folklore” which had a lot of books about fashion at my local library. I’m not that interested in fashion, but breasts, on the other hand, struck me as something worthy of spending a book reading about. Yalom writes here about how breasts became eroticized in eroticized in Western culture, which…
Dewey Decimal Project: 381.45 MIL Reluctant Capitalists: Bookselling and the Culture of Consumption
The 380s: Commerce, Communications & Transportation. I was tempted to read something about trains when I got here, but then I spotted this, a book about bookselling (with an implicit critique of capitalism in its title!). As my dream in life has been to retire into bookselling, I thought there could be no better option for…
Beautiful Sentences: Christine Sneed
Rejection is the relentless, powerful hazing that disables ninety-seven out of a hundred talented people. Christine Sneed, “The First Wife.”
Beautiful Sentences: J. Robert Lennon
The memories this act stirred up were mostly memories of other visits to this cemetery, when her feelings had been more profound. (This is what happens, she supposes, to dramatic events: they create feelings that create other feelings, memories that give way to memories of having them. The older you get, the more life seems…
Dewey Decimal Project: 364.15 In His Sights: A True Story of Love and Obsession
A while ago, one of my friends experienced life with an ex-boyfriend stalking her. I actually met him at one point when he came to a church picnic with my friend. I didn’t realize at the time that his presence was not entirely desired by my friend and he came across as charming and attentive towards…
Beautiful Sentences: Marilynne Robinson
You can hate thoughts. That‘s interesting. I hate most of my thoughts. Marilynne Robinson, Home.