Just another writer

  • Year in review at my mailing list

    Year in review at my mailing list

    My last mailing list post of the year, mostly links to stuff here.

  • Non-book things that delighted me in 2024

    Non-book things that delighted me in 2024

    The top of the list has to be dorky Snoop Dogg. The rapper has apparently decided that he’s old enough to not care about being cool and is willing to be dorky as an Olympics correspondent for NBC this past summer, most notably, his use of Martha Stewart for comfort while covering equestrian events because…

  • My favorite reads of 2024

    My favorite reads of 2024

    Somehow, this year, I managed to blow past my previous records for numbers of books read and end the year with 154 books read. As usual, a full accounting of the books is at Goodreads. My favorite books of the year, in no particular order. The Wedding People by Alison Espach. This starts out seeming…

  • Three new poems

    Three new poems

    I have a trio of new poems in Great Lakes Review.  The first of the three poems, “Pantoum of the divine absence” is derived from another poem (still unpublished at this time) which, having eight lines was a good candidate for being transformed into a pantoum, a form in which the lines of the poem are…

  • The Tournament of Books short list is here!

    The Tournament of Books short list is here!

    Very excited to see this year’s list is out and to also note that I’ve been very good at hitting notable front-list books of late. Of the 18 books on the short list, I’ve read five and four more were on my to-read list, so reading everything on the list before the tournament begins will…

  • Writerly resolutions: November status

    Writerly resolutions: November status

    The novel continues with a completed draft of the first chapter (although I do periodically think of things to add in that I left out) and a bit of a start on the second chapter, although weekends with the kids have kept me from the keyboard more than I might otherwise. Querying the old novel…

  • New Poem: A Song of Bathsheba

    New Poem: A Song of Bathsheba

    The latest issue of Meniscus has my poem, “A Song of Bathsheba” in it. 

  • New post on my mailing list: One million stories!

    New post on my mailing list: One million stories!

    Dig me, putting out two mailing list posts in two months. This one is about big numbers and how small we are.

  • New Poem: Chicago Sonnet 43

    New Poem: Chicago Sonnet 43

    I’ve got a newly published poem from my Chicago Sonnets sequence in the premiere issue of Bronze Bird Review. While numbered as #43, this is actually the second sonnet I wrote for the sequence, depicting the young women of Lincoln Park as seen through the eyes of age and regret. The issue can be purchased…