Just another writer
Dewey Decimal Project: 933 JOS Flavius Josephus: selections from his works
The 930s are the history of the ancient world (not surprisingly, ith the majority of the numbers reserved for the ancient world that was under the rule of the Greeks and Romans). Looking over the options, I spotted this collection of the works of Josephus. Josephus is best-known as being one of the earliest non-Biblical attestations…
Dewey Decimal Project: 920.72 DIN Alone! Alone! Lives of Some Outsider Women
The 920s are biography. My library, like any others, shelves most biographies separately, alphabetically by author (this is one of the things that I like about the Library of Congress system—there, literature, for example, is shelved by country/language and grouped by era and biographies and critical work are shelved alongside the authors’ work. Similarly, biographies of…
Writerly resolutions: June status
Progress has slowed but not stalled on the novel. Rewriting chapter 26 is a challenge since I’ve also been reading multiple books about the Exodus 1947 which is at the center of the chapter which has often revealed details that required rewriting scenes as well as occasional direct contradictions between one source and the next. Rewriting the…
Something Interesting: Microwave Lasagna
I’ve (finally) released the first post on my mailing list. It’s about microwave lasagna. There’s also a recommendation and a link to my latest story.
Dewey Decimal Project: 910.45 DUN Pirate women : the princesses, prostitutes, and privateers who ruled the Seven Seas
Looking for a different change of pace, for the 910s—Geography and Travel—I decided to give this book about women pirates a look. Of course, as Duncombe is quick to acknowledge, there is little information about her subject available. In some cases the “pirate” women (Duncombe is a bit expansive in her definition of pirate) may…
Dewey Decimal Project: 901 JAC Dark Age Ahead
This was my first read for this project after the ibrary reopened after the first Covid shutdown. In the apocalyptic summer of 2020, this seemed an appropriate introduction to the final 100 of the Dewey Decimal System—history. Written in 2004, Jacobs was warning of an impending “dark age” where we wiykd see a collapse of society…
Writerly resolutions: May status
I continue to make progress on the novel, with the first draft of chapter 26 done. It’s a big chapter—28 pages—so reading what I have in preparation for the second draft rewrite is taking a while and I keep making changes as I do my research (this is probably the best-documented historical event in the…
Dewey Decimal Project: 892.1 GIL Þ
For a long time, I had managed to confuse in my mind Gilgamesh and Beowulf, most likely because of the earliness of the two narratives. I did puzzle about how I had managed to miss the flood story in Beowulf, not realizing my mistake. But then, I have a long history of this sort of…