Just another writer

  • Writerly resolutions: October status

    Writerly resolutions: October status

    And still more research work. Next week I will spend a couple days at the USHMM research center for more primary source research. I’ve been adding occasional new reading to the stacks of books which will be evident to those closely inspecting the pictures accompanying these posts. I had hoped to be done with research…

  • The Big Countdown

    The Big Countdown

    My life expectancy has bounced back up from 82 to 88 this year. I was expecting it to stay low, but the extra six years will be welcome. I think the fact that I’m losing weight probably helps a bit.  The last year has not been the best of years although I guess I’m doing…

  • Something interesting: Notes from the road

    Something interesting: Notes from the road

    Another tardy posting on my mailing list. It’s about religion, road signs and the KKK. There’s also a recommendation and links to recent publications.

  • Writerly resolutions: September status

    Writerly resolutions: September status

    Research continues apace. I discovered a PhD thesis courtesy of the exhaustive index at the USHMM website that is almost exactly what I would have wanted to read at the start of this process. I am definitely going to do a research trip to DC in November to visit the research center of the USHMM. Meanwhile,…

  • Ceci n’est pas Graham Greene—a mystery solved

    Ceci n’est pas Graham Greene—a mystery solved

    About four months ago, I stumbled across a picture which was incorrectly identified as being Graham Greene. I recently had someone (via Hacker News, of all places) identify the mystery individual as Artur Lundqvist, a member of the Swedish academy. Now, this is especially ironic given Greene’s storied history with his non-receipt of the Nobel…

  • Audience photo from the I-70 Review reading in Kansas City

    Audience photo from the I-70 Review reading in Kansas City

  • Upcoming readings

    Upcoming readings

    For the first time since my MFA, I’m part of a couple of public readings of my work. On Saturday, 17 September at 1p PST, I’ll be part of a Zoom reading to celebrate the release of the latest issue of Invisible City in which I have a senryū entitled, “宝石の十字架” (don’t worry, only the…

  • Writerly resolutions: August status

    Writerly resolutions: August status

    No fancy graph this month as it’s all-research time for the novel. I’ve managed to get eight of the books from my leftover research stack finished as well as going through ten survivor testimonies from the Yad Vashem website that had transcripts (there’s no way I would be able to follow spoken Hebrew with my…

  • Writerly resolutions: July status

    Writerly resolutions: July status

    Draft two is DONE! I managed to trim about 5,000 words in the process, despite adding a new chapter in the middle, so that’s a good sign. I will need to print this puppy up to be able to read and edit for the revision stage and I’m planning on doing some significant research reading before…