Category: writing
Writerly resolutions: April status
Another interesting graph month. This time the odd shapes are because I added a new chapter to the book (and life intervened a bit more than usual). I got a bit stuck on the new chapter since I wanted it to be about more than the chapter title and historical event that I was relating…
Sonnet 18 after much machine translation
Do I cut your summer?You are very beautiful and very sweet.Can change by a strong wind.And put the summer in a short time.It’s hot in the eyes of the sky,It’s a gold weight.The best time of this time is correctActivity or changeBut all the summer never passes.To lose damage;His garden not dead when the timeIf…
Writerly resolutions: March status
Sometimes a graph doesn’t tell the whole story. My graph looks like for about a third of the month I didn’t make much progress but in fact, even though my word count didn’t move around much (and even dropped a bit), that was a result of wrestling with a troublesome passage in the first draft and…
Writerly resolutions: February status
Even though there was one less day and I missed a day of writing, I managed to get more words rewritten for the novel this month than last. I’ve also been in a bit of a research binge of late with even more books added to my list and more books read. Israel Joseph Singer’s¹ novel…
Writerly resolutions: January Status
I succeeded in getting at least a little bit of writing done on the novel every day this month. At the current pace I’ll have draft two finished in mid-July. Of course there are always bits of research digressions which can throw me off (like I wanted to know what the name of the railroad tracks…
Three poems in new anthology
I had three poems come out this week in the anthology, Rising Voices: Poems Toward a Social Justice Revolution. These are all part of my Chicago Sonnets series. Chicago Sonnet #4 has its origins in a research paper I wrote in high school where, somewhat enamored of my role on the school paper, I decided to focus…
Writerly resolutions for 2022
My goals for the year: Goals are nice, but remember that they don’t really matter. I’ll get done what I’ll get done, acceptances are out of my control. Get We, the Rescued through the rewrite and revision stage and then get some people to read the whole damned thing. I’ve got eight stories that have been…
Writerly resolutions for 2021–the post mortem
I set ambitious goals for 2021 and I failed at them all. Perhaps I should set less ambitious goals? Or perhaps I should remember that the goals don’t matter in the end and that creativity doesn’t follow schedules and spreadsheets. I had two goals for the year: Work on We, The Rescued daily until I’ve got it…