Category: writing

  • Beautiful sentences

    The mind needs rules. Rules are the true rulers. Tibor Fischer, The Collector Collector.

  • Beautiful sentences

    Magicians all across the world managed quite well without assistants, but without magicians, the assistants were lost. Ann Patchett, The Magician’s Assistant.

  • Beautiful sentences

    I dreamed I was an artist; my medium was cottage cheese. Rachel Blau DuPlessis, “For the Etruscans,” The Pink Guitar.

  • Beautiful sentences

    Boys who habitually stole from grocery stores. Boys who loved fire and burned up dry grass fields in summers, hay barns in winter. Boys who would not stop fighting, broke the noses and jaws of smaller boys. Mean, stupid boys who could not be taught the difference between right and wrong, never having seen it…

  • Beautiful sentences

    Given time his dreams might have come true, and he might have found himself with the woman he loved, but the road was too long and it brought him nowhere.  Ludmilla Petrushevskaya, There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried to Kill Her Neighbor’s Baby.

  • Learning about my language use from a word cloud

    I happened to notice the picture below on the desktop of my MacBook: Glancing over the image, there are some obvious things that can be noted. The two biggest words are the name of my protagonist and his antagonist’s title. There’s an assortment of other character names and descriptive terms that all feel appropriate for…

  • Beautiful sentences

    If you truly love Los Angeles, you want to be buried in Forest Lawn. Ann Patchett, The Magician’s Assistant.

  • Residency day 8

    Our day began with Jason Ockert teaching about writing the Short Short Story. Notably, I thought I got something actually usable out of a writing prompt. Then morning workshop. In the afternoon, we had synthesis. A diagram that we drew to draw connections between seminars and common reading was well-received by the synthesis group. I…

  • Residency day 6

    It’s beginning to feel like the time is coming to an end. We began today with Tibor Fischer who talked primarily about the pre-Richardson/Fielding novel, with some examples from The Satyricon, Callirhoe, The Unfortunate Traveller and Amadis of Gaul which is apparently a bit of a pre-occupation for him. We had workshop in the morning and then…