Category: writing
Beautiful Sentences: Jamie Quatro
Pets area fucking waste, Tommy says, chin quivering. They’re just ticking time bombs of sadness. Jamie Quatro, Fire Sermon.
Beautiful Sentences: Rebecca Makkai
What is the opposite of memory? What is the inverse of an echo? Rebecca Makkai, The Hundred-Year House.
Beautiful Sentences: Karen Joy Fowler
Just imagine writing one of your books with two thousand dead bodies to explain. And every single one of them left someone behind, begging their gods to undo it. Karen Joy Fowler, “Private Grave 9.”
Beautiful Sentences: Jamie Quatro
Augustine’s God-shaped hole. But some people, she says, realize the emptiness itself is God. Jamie Quatro, Fire Sermon.
Beautiful Sentences: Laura Kolbe
They were small people, with lawny eyebrows and demure hands. Laura Kolbe, “Crimes of Paris.”
Writerly resolutions, January status
A note on how my writerly resolutions for 2019 are going. On the novel front, I’m not doing so great. Only 1,664 words net gained on the novel. I should be doing over 4,000 words per month to meet my goal (well now, it’s more like 4,400). Short stories are both a bit ahead of…
Beautiful Sentences: Annie Dillard
Now feelings lasted so long they left stains. Annie Dillard, An American Childhood.
Beautiful Sentences: Taylor Koekkoek
The way she looked was something I felt in my guts. Taylor Koekkoek, “The Wedding Party.”