Category: writerly resolutions

  • Writerly resolutions: July Status

    I made good progress on the novel this month. The net word gain was 4,400 words, but I made good progress writing and rewriting chapter 13 as the diagram on this page shows. I think part of the progress’s secret was that with the exception of just one day, I managed to do some work on…

  • Writerly resolutions: June status

    The novel gained a net of nearly 10,000 words this month, which is a vast improvement over previous months. Doing the 1,000 words of summer thing helped a fair amount even if, during the two weeks of that challenge, I only hit the 1,000 word target a few times. Not much progress on the new story,…

  • Writerly resolutions, May status

    I made significant progress on the novel (the graph at the right shows the progression of my word count over the month). A first draft of chapter 11 is done and I’m nearly finished with the rewrite of the chapter. I think that this might be a chapter that can stand on its own as a…

  • Writerly resolutions, April Status

    The novel feels like it’s going better, although the numbers reveal I wrote just 2,273 words, which is more than last month, but less than I would have liked. Short story statuses: nothing new put into submissions but I’m beginning to get some minor traction with the new stories and revising the long story.

  • Writerly resolutions, March Status

    I continue to not progress well with my writing. 2019 is looking like it’s going to be a difficult year. Just 1,369 words on the novel which represents me slowing down even more than I had previously. Short story statuses: I’ve not yet come back to the long story, nor have I made much progress…

  • Writerly resolutions, February Status

    As the fact that I’m half a month late in posting this might attest, I’ve not been doing so good with my resolutions. Only 1,573 words on the novel which is worse than January. Short story statuses: The revisions on the long story have been problematic and I put it aside for a while. The…

  • Writerly resolutions, January status

    A note on how my writerly resolutions for 2019 are going. On the novel front, I’m not doing so great. Only 1,664 words net gained on the novel. I should be doing over 4,000 words per month to meet my goal (well now, it’s more like 4,400). Short stories are both a bit ahead of…

  • Writerly resolutions for 2019

    This will be the year that I finally get a full draft written of We, The Rescued. I currently have 25,000 words written, so it shouldn’t be beyond reason to write another 50K or so. Also, I want to clear out my backlog of half-finished stories and story ideas. My goal is to get a…