Category: writerly resolutions
Writerly resolutions: February status
So February started strong, which was nice but life can be a real jerk and between a bit of a slowdown mid-month combined with a minor disaster, I kind of stalled out. Minor disaster you say? These used to match: Why yes, I tripped and fell, landing hard on my hands, and, as it turned…
Writerly resolutions: January status
So on the three goals I’ve set for myself, solid progress on the novel, although perhaps not as rapid as I might have hoped. Chapter two is finished, I’m working on the rewrite of chapter three and I updated chapters one and two after workshopping the first chapter. Still working on a new story (something…
Writerly resolutions for 2025
I’m feeling pretty good about where things are with my writing at the moment. I’ve cleared off a lot of the decks of things lingering that needed more immediate attention. This year will be focused on getting a complete draft of the new novel finished (ideally well before year’s end, but we’ll see), workshopping those…
Writerly resolutions for 2024: the post-mortem
I had modest goals for 2024: Get final draft of the novel finished Query query query Get six new stories workshopped and into submissions Maybe start a new novel? Of these, I completed 1, 2 and 4, and partially finished 3: I only got three new stories into submissions, but I did also get two…
Writerly resolutions: November status
The novel continues with a completed draft of the first chapter (although I do periodically think of things to add in that I left out) and a bit of a start on the second chapter, although weekends with the kids have kept me from the keyboard more than I might otherwise. Querying the old novel…
Writerly resolutions: October status
This was a month of getting stuff done thanks to a pair of little writing retreats. I did one long weekend at the Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House for a formal writers’ retreat, although I ended up skipping the structured parts because most of it didn’t really feel relevant to me. Then a couple weeks later,…
Writerly resolution: September status
This month I workshopped a new story, and while it didn’t get the rapturous reception that I hoped it would (largely a generational thing, I think), it was paradoxically a boost in my mind for the story. Getting a chance to see who responded lukewarmly and why made me feel more secure in what I…
Writerly resolutions: August status
First draft of the new story is done and I’m into the rewrite. I’m thinking that this might be the first story of a collection about the main character. I’ve committed to a workshop date in September to keep me from dawdling with this story. Still paused on the novel. I’ve been doing a lot…
Writerly resolutions: July status
Got a new story workshopped with some good feedback on it and a thousand words of another story written. A workshopped story went into submissions. Paused a bit on the novel querying realizing that it needs some revision to be better. I’m making sure that the first 50 pages at least are as perfect as…