Category: Uncategorized

  • Who were all those Facebook friends anyway?

    Who were all those Facebook friends anyway?

    It’s been a year since I’ve dropped off of social media. I occasionally fall off the wagon when I check the Twitter account for but for the most part I’m social media free and happier for it. That said, I was a bit curious about who the people I was friends with on Facebook were.…

  • Something interesting: Two sides of a story

    Once again, after much delay, I’ve put another post on my mailing list. It’s about Joan Fontaine, Olivia de Havilland and Yoko Ono. There’s also a recommendation and a link to my latest story.

  • Something Interesting: Microwave Lasagna

    I’ve (finally) released the first post on my mailing list. It’s about microwave lasagna. There’s also a recommendation and a link to my latest story. 

  • As of today I’m as immune as I’m going to get to Covid. Now what?

    So it’s now two weeks since my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine so I’m fully immune apparently. Not that it keeps me from feeling anxious at the grocery store when other customers crowd me or I have to watch people pull their mask down to inspect the salad (🤷🏻‍♂️). I could start attending mass…

  • 2020 in rejections (and acceptances)

    2020 in rejections (and acceptances)

    Because of one of last year’s writerly resolutions, I didn’t send anything out this year, but there was still plenty of overhang from last year and early in the year I managed to get acceptances in both poetry and fiction (the latter even included a double acceptance). My publications for 2020 were my story, “The…

  • I’m deleting Twitter and Facebook in January

    In July, I started a countdown to January 20th on Facebook and Twitter. It was nominally to the end of the Trump presidency but about a month into it, I started to think that when I got to zero, I was going to delete my Facebook and Twitter accounts. I’ve been on both platforms for…

  • My social media fast

    Back at the beginning of March, I deleted the Twitter and Facebook apps from my phone, signed out on all my computers and began a Lenten fast from social media. Shortly afterwards, COVID-19 sent everything kiddlywumpus. It’s ben an interesting experience not being connected to the communities on social media that I had been for…

  • Dewey Decimal Project: 510 BEN The Magic of Math: Solving for x and Figuring Out Why

    As I was scanning the bookshelves filled with math books, this caught my eye because I knew Arthur Benjamin back when he was a brand new professor at Harvey Mudd College. I spent a summer working in the college’s math department computer lab, some of it paid by the department, some, assorted freelance TeX-related projects. A…

  • Recommendations are hard

    In today’s e-mail. I’ve chosen not to identify the online bookstore behind these recommendations. They’ve suffered enough.