Category: reading
2019 in reading
I had set a goal for 2019 of reading 100 books and nearly made it with 95 books. I’ll aim again this year. My favorite reads for the year, in alphabetical order, were: Barefoot Gen by Keiji Nakazawa The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath The Best American Essays 2019 edited by Rebecca Solnit and Robert Atwan…
2018 in reading
I’ve noticed that over the past few years, the number of books I’ve read each year has been in steady decline. This year I read just 67 books (which, I suppose is still a fair amount). My favorite reads for the year, in alphabetical order, were: Best American Short Stories 2018 edited by Roxane Gay and…
2017 in Reading
My favorite reads of the year, in alphabetical order by title. I read some damned good shit this year with one re-read in the list (Run) The Art of Asking Your Boss for a Raise by Georges Perec Bloodchild and Other Stories by Octavia Butler Cake Time by Siel Ju Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey Fountain…
2016 in reading
My diversity report for the year: Women authors 48% (down from 51.4% last year). Non-white authors were 16.4% of my reading (up from 14.8% last year). I chose my book to hit diversity targets 25% of the time, down from 37.5% last year. I think part of that is that I’ve been more reluctant to…
2015 in reading
Continuing my goal of last year to diversify my reading, I’ve boosted the goals for reading women writers and non-white writers. My statistics improved in both categories, with women accounting for 51.4% of my reading (compared to 39.6% last year and a target of 50%) and non-white authors accounting for 14.8% of my writing (compared…
2014 in reading
I set out this year to make my reading a bit more diverse. I fell a tad short of my goal for women writers making only 39.6% when I was aiming for 40% but had 13.5% non-white. I ended up choosing my next book to read 10.8% of the time in pursuit of these numbers.…
We got more or less diverse poets (depending on how you look at it)
In the aftermath of some of the discussion about diversity in publishing, I thought I’d check how this year’s Best American Poetry stacked up against last year’s for diversity. There were 73 poets in the 2014 anthology compared to 76 in the 2013. In 2014, 31.5% of the poets had appeared in the three previous…
A year of reading
So in 2013, I ended up reading a total of 114 books. Some interesting statistics along the way: 27.2% were written by women. Asians and Latinos each made up 2.6%. Blacks were 1.8%. I find these numbers to be rather disgraceful. 40.4% were for my MFA. Two were in Spanish. Eleven were translated (from French,…