Category: life expectancy

  • The big countdown

    The big countdown

    On the eve of  my 18th annual 39th birthday, it’s been a year of death for me. My brother and aunt have both died in the last twelve months. This has hung over me for much of the year. Perhaps this is why my life expectency is down to 86. As of tomrrow, I will…

  • The big countdown

    The big countdown

    I’m still at 88 years this year, which is I guess what I should expect. Not exactly the happiest year of my life this past year, but I guess things can only get better from here. As of tomorrow, I will have outlived the following (in no particular order): Christopher Columbus (genocidist and lousy navigator)…

  • The Big Countdown

    The Big Countdown

    My life expectancy has bounced back up from 82 to 88 this year. I was expecting it to stay low, but the extra six years will be welcome. I think the fact that I’m losing weight probably helps a bit.  The last year has not been the best of years although I guess I’m doing…

  • The Big Countdown

    The Big Countdown

    My  ife expectancy number has declined a lot this year. from 87 to 82. I can’t imagine that 2020 helped a whole lot with that. My writing life has improved with good progress on the novel and a few placements of stories and poems in the last year. I think the biggest thing I need to…

  • The Big Countdown

    My life expectancy number has declined slightly this year from 88 to 87. I imagine the last year hasn’t helped with this, between the pandemic shutting out interpersonal interaction and trump generating daily stresses and then yet another first-degree relative getting cancer, it’s not been my favorite year. My writing life has been fair. I…

  • The Big Countdown

    This year’s life expectancy number is 88 which continues an upward trend for me, but is still less than the highest number the calculator has given me. This means I have 37 years left to do everything I want to do, including seeing the kids grow up and, God willing, meet my grand kids, should…

  • The Big Countdown

    This year’s life expectancy number is 85 which is down from last year but up from two years ago.  As I think about the last year, I note that I’ve had a lot of fiction acceptances and a poetry acceptance. I’m beginning to feel like I’ve hit my stride as a writer, although there is,…

  • The Big Countdown

    My number went back up to 87 from 83, which is still less than my pre-drop life expectancy, but close enough that I can consider last year’s drop to be the anomaly, although I can still do more to improve my health and perhaps get a little bit more time with my family. In the…

  • The Big Countdown

    My life expectancy this year has dropped five years to 83 from 88. I’m not entirely sure what led to my precipitous drop in my expected life span, but it appears the grave looms closer than I thought.