Author: D. A. Hosek
Beautiful Sentences: Muriel Spark
That spring Jenny’s mother was expecting a baby, there was no rain worth remembering, the grass, the sun and the birds lost their self-centred winter mood and began to think of others. Muriel Spark, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.
Beautiful Sentences: Ron Hansen
Cold and calm under mackerel skies that pink in the sunset. Ron Hansen, Mariette in Ecstasy.
Beautiful Sentences: Penelope Fitzgerald
Language refers only to itself, it is not the key to anything higher. Penelope Fitzgerald, The Blue Flower.
Beautiful Sentences: Ron Hansen
When Jesus washed Saint Peter’s feet it was surely a lesson in humility for his apostle, not for himself. We do not like to be done for. Ron Hansen, Mariette in Ecstasy.
Beautiful Sentences: John Scalzi
If you could go back, why would you make the same choices? You already lived that life. John Scalzi, Old Man’s War.
Beautiful Sentences: Ron Hansen
Wild sleep has tossed aside the gray wool blanket and sheet and twisted her nightgown on her body so that it seems shameless and slatternly. A great gush of blond hair veils her pillow. Ron Hansen, Mariette in Ecstasy.
Beautiful Sentences: David Gilbert
I knew it was heading toward a dark place, but the way he twists the reader into being an accomplice, like you’re the voice in Edgar Mead’s head, that was pretty cool, like the reader affects what’s being read, kind of a Schrödinger’s cat-and-mouse game. David Gilbert, & Sons.
2017 in rejections (and acceptances)
I’ve upped my submissions a bit from last year, but still below last year. Once again, I fell short of my goal of 200 rejections, but came closer than last year with 160 vs 144. I did manage to set a couple records with my highest ever acceptance rate (4.2%, up from last year’s previous…
Beautiful Sentences: Ron Hansen
Mariette gazes around the oratory. Each nun stares at the prioress in common. Each stares at her separately. Ron Hansen, Mariette in Ecstasy.