Author: D. A. Hosek
Beautiful Sentences: Joy Williams
Pearl’s life … avoided meaning as the bird does the snare. Joy Williams, The Changeling.
Beautiful Sentences: Fernando Pessoa
Everything was sleeping as if the universe were simply a mistake, and the hesitant wind was a limp, unfurled flag on top of a nonexistent building. Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet.
Beautiful Sentences: Sara Nović
I woke in the cobalt part of the dawn. Sara Nović, Girl at War.
Beautiful Sentences: Fernando Pessoa
Having touched the feet of Christ is no excuse for faulty punctuation. Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet.
Writerly resolutions, February Status
As the fact that I’m half a month late in posting this might attest, I’ve not been doing so good with my resolutions. Only 1,573 words on the novel which is worse than January. Short story statuses: The revisions on the long story have been problematic and I put it aside for a while. The…
Beautiful Sentences: Éduoard Louis
That’s one part of scenes like this that people don’t think of: the physical pain, the body suffering all at once, bruised and wounded What people think of—faced with a scene such as this one, I mean: looking at it from the outside—is the humiliation, the inability to understand, the fear, but they don’t think…
Beautiful Sentences: Jamie Quatro
Pets area fucking waste, Tommy says, chin quivering. They’re just ticking time bombs of sadness. Jamie Quatro, Fire Sermon.
Beautiful Sentences: Rebecca Makkai
What is the opposite of memory? What is the inverse of an echo? Rebecca Makkai, The Hundred-Year House.