Author: D. A. Hosek
Dewey Decimal Project: 607.3474 CRE The electrifying fall of Rainbow City : Spectacle and assassination at the 1901 World’s Fair
The 600s are technology which managed to yield The Electrifying Fall of Rainbow City courtesy of the Buffalo Pan American Exhibition’s exhibition of technology alongside the various cultural displays and sideshow acts. This book is a sort of unofficial sequel to The Devil in the White City. As in that book, there is the intersection of a…
Writerly Resolutions: September Status
September was a harsh month. I had hoped to have chapter 16 of the novel finished this month, but, as the curve at the right shows, I had a lot of not so productive days. I did have the wonderfully good fortune of having Goodreads suggest Masuji Ibuse’s Black Rain to me which covers similar material as…
Beautiful Sentences: Kathy Fish
Nobody gets hurt on playgrounds anymore. Kathy Fish, “Sea Creatures of Indiana.”
Beautiful Sentences: Idra Novey
There was really no predicting where, or when, the least lonely years of one’s adult life might begin. Idra Novey, Those Who Knew.
Beautiful Sentences: Tom McAlister
I hated the part of me that could watch this happening and forget it was reality, wishing for terrible things to happen for the sake of my temporary entertainment. Tom McAllister, How to Be Safe.
Writerly Resolutions: August Status
I’m realizing that my priorities have been shifting and focusing as the year proceeds. I’m spending less time on short stories (tending towards no time) and more time on the novel. Even so, I think my goal of getting a complete draft of the novel by year’s end might not be reachable. August saw me completing…
Beautiful Sentences: Tom McAllister
Where do people get stories? Do they go out in the world looking for interesting anecdotes? When they get home, do they write these things down and rehearse them? Tom McAllister, How to Be Safe.
Dewey Decimal Project: 599.884 WAA Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape
I first learned f bonobos about the time that this book was originally published. I remember reading an article about these not-chimpanzees in the Chicago Tribune. I found it fascinating that the two ape species closest in relation to humans have bifurcated into “R-rated” species with one specializing in violence (chimpanzees) and the other sex (bonobos).…
Beautiful Sentences: Idra Novey
When she drifted from the kitchen to the living room, he followed, his hope rising like dough inside him. Idra Novey, Those Who Knew.