Author: D. A. Hosek
Writerly resolutions: June Status—They’re all quarantine editions I guess
June was yet another mediocre month, although I did at least finish a draft of chapter 21. Now the only problem is getting myself willing to do a critical read of that chapter and start rewriting. The submittable queue continues to trickle its way to empty, dropping from 10 down to 8. I have two submissions…
Writerly resolutions: May Status—Quarantine Edition
See that graph on the right? Looks pretty good at least for the end of the month, eh? Until you look at the vertical scale and see that I wrote less than 700 words the whole month. But at least things are starting to pick up and maybe June will be better. As for clearing…
Writerly resolutions: April Status—Quarantine Edition
April started off with some promise but quickly leveled off. There were only nine days that I wrote anything at all. On the good news front, I’ve settled Catan numerous times. My Submittable queue continues to drain, a little bit faster than last month, so now I’m down from 17 to 13 submissions. Half of this…
My social media fast
Back at the beginning of March, I deleted the Twitter and Facebook apps from my phone, signed out on all my computers and began a Lenten fast from social media. Shortly afterwards, COVID-19 sent everything kiddlywumpus. It’s ben an interesting experience not being connected to the communities on social media that I had been for…
Writerly resolutions: March Status—Quarantine Edition
So you’d think that with quarantine I’d be more productive as a writer. You’d think wrong. I made good progress on revising the last chapter I wrote in the first half of the month, but the new chapter has been coming a few words at a time. My Submittable queue has drained much more slowly this…
Writerly resolutions: February Status
February continued to be a crappy month for me personally, although, unlike January, I actually made some progress on the novel. Chapter 19 is finished and Chapter 20 is nearly done with its first draft. I even managed to write a paragraph on a short story. My Submittable queue continues to drain, with its total down…
Writerly resolutions: January Status
January was a crappy month. I did very little writing on the novel. I started a new project which I’ve since discarded as self-indulgent garbage. The lone bright spot was an acceptance for a story and the slow decline of the size of my submittable queue (down from 53 to 31). I can only hope…
Writerly resolutions for 2020
2019 was a disappointing year on many fronts, so I figure 2020 can’t help but be better. My goals for the year Finish a complete draft of We, The Rescued. Rewrite and revise to get it in a state where I can have some other eyes read it. Cut way back on submissions. I’m not…
Writerly resolutions for 2019—the post mortem
I had two goals for the year and failed on them both. I aimed to finish the full draft of We, The Rescued. This entailed writing some 50,000 words over the course of the year. I made steady progress (as the graph above shows), but not steady enough and I had more than a few…