Writerly resolutions: February status

So February started strong, which was nice Graph showing my progress on the novel, finishing the rewrite and revision of chapter three and getting a good start on chapter four then stalling out and then starting work on post-workshop revisions for chapter two. but life can be a real jerk and between a bit of a slowdown mid-month combined with a minor disaster, I kind of stalled out.

Minor disaster you say? These used to match:

photo of my hands taken by the nurse at the urgent care. The right hand is swollen and black and blue. This is with the swelling reduced!

Why yes, I tripped and fell, landing hard on my hands, and, as it turned out, broke my right ring finger and sprained all the others.

For a few days I was unable to hold a pen or pencil which is a problem because I like to do markup for revision work on a printed copy of the pages. 

Even so, I did workshop chapter two of the novel and I’ve got chapter three teed up for workshopping next week.

Not a whole lot of progress on the short story work, but I hope to do better. Plus two new poems.

Four rejections this month.

But a non-fiction technical writing project that has been lurking in the background needs more time and attention and I may have to prioritize that at the cost of my more spiritually rewarding work for a while.







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