Writerly resolutions: January status

So on the three goals I’ve set for myself, Progress on the novel in January. I finished the rewrite of chapter two early in the month, spent a while reading and revising before beginning on chapter three, then while procrastinating on reading and annotaing th chapter, I workshopped chapter one, got that revision done (for those looking at the pictures, vertical lines indicate beginnings/endings of chapter work) and I’ve been working on the rewrite of chapter three since then.solid progress on the novel, although perhaps not as rapid as I might have hoped. Chapter two is finished, I’m working on the rewrite of chapter three and I updated chapters one and two after workshopping the first chapter.

Still working on a new story (something that began life as an essay, but I decided can work better as fiction). I did get an acceptance (actually double acceptance, as it turned out) for a story I sent out at the end of last year. There will be more on that in September when it’s published.

On the poetry front, one new poem added to my corpus and another forming in my notebook. In theory, I’ll have responses on everything pending by May, although given the New Yorker’s tendency towards tardy responses, I’m not waiting for them before beginning the next submission round and there are only five other pending poetry submissions.







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