The novel continues with a completed draft of the first chapter (although I do periodically think of things to add in that I left out) and a bit of a start on the second chapter, although weekends with the kids have kept me from the keyboard more than I might otherwise.
Querying the old novel still nets nothing but form rejections.
I’ve been getting some submissions out of a revised version of the first chapter of my first (trunked) novel. This is the only story that garnered a tiered rejection from One Story that hasn’t found a home elsewhere.
I finished a draft of a pesky story I’d been playing footsie with for a few years and decided that there’s nothing there. Into the bin with it.
I had a dream about a poem that I’ve been working on which is always a good sign because dream poems seem to always be successful.
Working on a new story for workshop and revision of the last story I workshopped. I hope to have the latter into submissions before the end of the year.
November’s publications include a short story (novel excerpt) at Exterminating Angel and a poem at Meniscus.
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